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How to renovate the exterior of your house
How to renovate the exterior of your house

How to renovate the exterior of your house

Regularly altering and enhancing the external appearance of your house can spark a new life in the look your house delivers. These changes could be minuscule details such as painting your window sills a different color or radical changes such as repainting the entire exterior!

Why should you update your house exterior?

Wondering whether initiating an extensive self-renovation project is worth it or not during the scorching summer heat? A checklist during a time like this can immensely help weigh the pros and the cons of the decision at hand.

Some of the most common factors which can affect the decision are:

  1. Is dullness overshadowing your house’s visual appeal?
  2. Does your house’s external appearance seem outdated?
  3. Will this decision add value to your property?
  4. Have the elements damaged the exterior?
  5. Is there any structural damage that needs to be repaired?
  6. Do any materials need to be replaced with newer or better alternatives?

Your answers can help determine whether initiating this project is worth it right now or not, however, it is better to keep in mind that certain issues need to be addressed immediately. Simply, ignoring them will only worsen the state of your house, putting it on a derelict track. 

Exterior Repainting

Granted, exterior repainting is a tedious job, but the results it delivers are without a doubt similar to giving someone a makeover! It is one of the most commonly utilized forms of renovation which is chosen by most homeowners to give their houses a new look.

Repainting your house with a different color will not only freshen up the property but also remove the look of outdatedness carried within its architecture.

The factors affecting the required budget will be heavily dependent upon the size of your house, or the area you wish to repaint. The complexity of the paint job might also require you to hire a professional, which is also a deciding factor in your final budget. Lastly, the brand of paint you wish to choose will be a deciding factor as well in whether or not this will be a costly project.

However, it is also suggested to put in generous amounts of money on paint jobs since a house is only repainted every 5-10 years. Therefore, using a cheap kind of paint might result in the house requiring frequent paint jobs, every 2-3 years.

Front Door and Window Sills Makeover

The simplest way to spark a new life to a seemingly battered porch is by giving your front door a makeover! Subtle changes within the front door can not only freshen up the look but also provide the door with a newfound vibrancy.

Windowsills can also be repainted helping them either blend in or stand out. This can be great since the color scheme followed by the minuscule details can either supplement the background or enhance it by complementing it. 

Repointing brickwork

Weathering is the biggest culprit in wearing down the mortar connecting the bricks of your house. The damage caused by the elements can in turn cause extensive damage to your house over time, structurally weakening it. To counter this damage, it is important to maintain a seasonal lookout to repoint your brickwork, helping minimize any water damage.

Repointing is considered to be a large-scale renovation project which not only requires time but also extensive effort delivered in the form of manual labor. It is a process that ensures that your brickwork is well protected from any water damage by renewing the mortar. Added to that, the cost of the project is directly proportional to the size and amount of walls in dire need of repointing.


Rendering is a process that structurally protects the walls of your house whilst also transforming its external appearance. Commonly this process requires covering the walls of your house with a substance consisting of various mixtures of sand, cement, lime, or a synthetic resin.

Reasons, why you should consider rendering the exterior walls of your house, includes:

  1. Providing your house with protection against the elements
  2. Old and new parts can be seamlessly merged together
  3. Improved and updated look of your house
  4. Modern render is durable and does not crack
